The transition from elementary to high school can be a very difficult process for some students.
The big fish in a little pond scenario is replaced rather quickly by becoming a nameless face in the crowd. This inauspicious beginning can wreak havoc on the confidence level and morale of a young teen.
Parents must do all that they can to help ease this transition, knowing the fundamental importance of education.
Establish Routines
This is a key element to helping your teens achieve higher grades in school.
Routines are a set of habits that you establish in order to keep your teen on an even keel.
High school presents many new elements to students, but certain priorities must still exist.
Without routines, students can fast become distracted by socialization, extracurricular activities, work, and the fun of relationships. This is where routines can help keep schoolwork important, not allowing grades to dip.
The routines necessary for teens to help achieve higher grades are to have a set schedule for homework and studying.
- This should be a place free of distraction. There should not be a computer, television, smartphone, radio, or any other electronic device handy that will distract your teenager from their homework.
- Other routines that need to be adopted are a specific bedtime range, (no television or computers in bedrooms), proper nutrition, and regular exercise.
- A good night’s sleep is of prime importance to teens. An established routine of sleep will keep them feeling better physically and mentally.
- Teenagers need to have a proper breakfast to fuel their body so that they can be alert and focused during class.
- Exercise is crucial to the overall health and well-being of a teenager.
Diverse Learning Styles
Many students learn best from one distinct style of learning, while others learn best when combining two or three learning styles.
Teachers hopefully will utilize their lesson time wisely and incorporate all three distinct learning styles so that their students have equal access to the knowledge.
Parents can help their students achieve higher grades in school by helping them identify their optimal learning style.
Students vary between auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning.
There are many different study tips available that can help students to use the best approach possible.
Organizational skills can help teens to achieve higher grades in school by keeping their information neatly arranged.
Teens can use their cell-phones (if allowed by the school board) to keep notified of due dates for assignments, and a planner to track each subject area’s homework.
Teaching your children how to organize their notes is a great way to help them achieve higher gradesL
- Every day, students should date and number their notes, placing a table of contents at the front of each binder.
- The notes should be reviewed at night and highlighted in order to keep focal points prominent.
- Done daily, the notes will be excellent study companions once tests and essays arrive.
Reading and Writing
Teens should always be encouraged to read and write, keeping their literacy skills well-honed.
The more practice they have reading and writing, the more success they may have in school.
A love of reading will allow the teen to read course material with little or no complaint, behooving them greatly.
Writing on a regular basis helps them when it is time to turn in essays.
Parents need to role model the correct behaviors for their children, so that they learn to enjoy reading and writing.
A love of learning is learned behavior.
Parents should devote time to helping their children understand key concepts studied in school. They should not do the work for their children, making certain to instill a strong work ethic in them.
Parents should work in tandem with the teachers, ensuring to work together for the all-around improvement of the teen.
There are tutors available, and many teachers will stay after class to reinforce lessons.
The only dumb questions are the ones that remain unasked.
Confidence and Self-Image
1. Parents can help their children achieve higher grades in school by ensuring that they are emotionally and mentally ready.
High school is full of peer pressure and negative scenarios that may influence your teen.
Parents need to make sure that their teens are full of confidence, self-esteem, and have a healthy self-image to steer clear of poor choices.
2. The more confident a student is, the more likely they may be to remain focused on their school work.
High school is full of distractions that can cause grades to suffer.
Teens need to understand the importance of education, and must follow their academic journey to its completion. Staying the course will help them to achieve higher grades.
3. Teens need help when they are in high school.
Their grades need to remain high if they are going to strive for scholarships or apply to post-secondary educational facilities.
Parents must play an active role in the life of their teen so that they can achieve the highest possible grades while in high school.