It’s great to be a college student! You get to take long winter and summer holiday breaks, not to mention the big bash that is spring break every year. In addition to all the vacation time, travel companies love students. They offer numerous, reasonably priced travel programs specifically designed for college students.
Take advantage of the time you have and consider traveling now. Once you start your first entry-level job, chances are you will have very little vacation time and even less money for travel.
We’ve put together some student travel tips and money-saving deals to help get you on your way:
Student Trips
Your school, church or professional organization may sponsor large student trips that you and your friends can sign up for.
Large groups get better discounts on flights and lodging, so you’ll probably pay less than if you and a small group went to the same destination.
Contact your student activities office for more information on student trips.
Student Flights
If your school is far from home, you probably fly to and from school several times per year. Flying is probably the quickest way to get to most of your travel destinations.
There are so many ways to find discount student flights. You can scour the internet for deals when you need to fly, sign up for reward programs from your preferred airlines, or set price alerts on various travel sites. If that’s too complicated for you, some companies offer basic discount programs on student flights.
Spring Break
Whether you’re just going home for a break, or to a hot beach destination, spring break is a popular time for student travel.
If you are traveling with a large group for spring break, shop around for hotel or lodging group discounts. Sometimes when there are more people involved, carpooling can be more cost efficient than flying.
If you are looking for spring break destinations, try student travel site like Student Universe.
Volunteer and Travel Free
There are programs out there that will pay for you to travel if you are willing to volunteer your time. Try working with your student activities office, your church or professional organizations to see if there are any organized student trips for volunteers.
If you are looking for extensive travel opportunities, Americorps and the Peace Corps send new graduates all over the globe to work in various capacities.
In addition to free travel, there are also other perks like a credit for your student loans!
Travel Safely
Be smart when you travel. If you are going to a new or international destination, it’s best to travel in a group.
If you happen to be traveling alone, make sure you communicate frequently with your friends and family so someone always knows where you are.
It’s also smart to keep a calling card and cash in your wallet for emergencies. Your “emergency cash” shouldn’t be spent, unless it’s an actual emergency (i.e. late night cab ride, car breaks down, someone gets hurt).
Other Student Travel Deals
Perhaps one of the most popular student discount cards, Student Advantage, will get you access to some additional student travel deals.
Don’t forget, you can always use discount sites like Priceline to bid on student travel if you want to stick to a budget. If you aren’t tied to a certain airline or hotel, you can get some incredible deals that way.