Right now, when you think about going to college, you likely see yourself in many classes. While getting an education is the main reason to go to college, you should also have fun.
College opens the door to many possibilities that you can’t always find at other times in your life, and taking advantage of them is important.
1. Take Elective Courses
In high school, you probably don’t have a lot of freedom in the classes that you take. When you start college, you will still have required courses, but you also get to pick electives. Even if you are a biology major, you could still take a class in art or drama. Elective classes give you the chance to explore your hobbies.
2. Study Abroad
Many students decide that they want to spend a semester in another country. You can still take classes there to work toward your degree. During this time, you get to meet people from other parts of the world and experience the culture.
If going away for a whole semester seems scary, you might want to travel during a summer or winter semester.
3. Join Clubs
You might think that the clubs you are in now will vanish when you go to college. In fact, you will probably find even more clubs and organizations that fit your interests.
After you are in the club for awhile, you might decide to take on a leadership role, which can look good on your resume when you apply for jobs.
4. Play a Sport
Playing on a team gives you the chance to build bonds with people and to get in exercise. Staying healthy during college is important. Even if you are not very athletic, you can usually find club sports. Whether you play on a recreational or a competitive team, you can benefit from the interaction.
5. Try New Foods
While many colleges offer any array of foods, you don’t necessarily have all the options that you would at home. Instead of thinking about how limited you are, take the opportunity to try new foods. When you and your friends order into your dorm, see if you can get delivery from a place that you’ve never tried in the past.
6. Live in the Dorms
You might be nervous about going away to college. While that experience isn’t for everyone, you should at least give it a try. If you end up not liking it, you can say that you had the experience and you know what it is like.
Consider living at a school that is close to your home. That way, if you decide you don’t like the dorms, you also don’t have to transfer to a different school.
7. Talk to Your Professors
Your professors are experts in their field, and you have the opportunity to learn a great deal from them. Take advantage of their office hours. Ask them questions before or after class if they have time to meet with students then.
You never know if a conversation with a professor could lead to a job opportunity later in life.
Final Word
College is a different environment from high school. While high school is fun, college is a place where you can really get to know who you are. Making sure that you have a good time is an important part of that experience.