Many college freshmen obtain an on-campus job (including Federal Work Study jobs) to earn money to pay college expenses or for extra spending cash. You should complete all possible job research and documents BEFORE arriving on campus to maximize your opportunities for jobs and to lessen the stress of your first few weeks of college.
Below is a condensed list of recommended tasks to prepare for and apply to on-campus jobs.
1. Create an employment résumé. Click here for example.
2. Research on-campus jobs for the coming semester. Go to your college’s website and search for “student employment”. On-campus student jobs should be posted online 1-to-3 weeks before the start of the fall semester.
3. If you find a job in which you’re interested, look for contact information and call the contact person.
4. When speaking with the contact person, express your interest in the job and ask if you can interview for it when you arrive on campus. Ask if you can e-mail your résumé to the contact person.
5. Prepare a Form W-4 for income tax withholding.
6. Prepare a Form I-9 for employment eligibility. Be sure to bring the types of personal identification listed on the Form I-9 with you to college to show the college’s employment office.
7. Arrive at college confident and ready to apply for a job.