Mixing in Online Classes with Your On Campus Classes

There’s always that one class each semester where the professor is boring, the material is easy and you wish you could be anywhere but stuck in your seat, watching the clock. However, what many students don’t consider is that they easily could be somewhere else, tackling the material in a way that suits them while learning in comfortable environment. All of this can be accomplished by adding online classes to your usual semester schedule.

Why Study Online?

For one, it’s usually cheaper to pay the tuition for an online class than an on-campus class and you’ll usually need to pay for fewer materials. Studying online also gives you the schedule flexibility you always dreamed about, but never had the option to try out. Many online classes allow students to study at their own pace and meet in an online environment for learning discussions and comprehension assignments. This means you spend less time sitting in class and more time doing something else such as working or participating in student activities.

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With online classes you never have to change out of your pajamas or comb your hair as you can study from the luxury of your own home. That also means no treks across campus to get to class and no fighting for a parking spot in the commuter lot. You’ll not only save money on tuition, but on fuel, shampoo, ink cartridges, notebooks and other necessities.

Why Do Both?

Simply put, not every class can be taught online. While business and English courses are commonly found online, other classes like speech or film are harder to faithfully reproduce in a virtual setting. Likewise many universities may offer special courses as online only due to scheduling or budgetary conflicts. By taking both online and on-campus courses you have the flexibility to pursue any major and take any course, no matter how it’s offered.

It may be beneficial to you to take courses on-campus where you feel you need extra guidance or instruction and take online courses in areas where you feel confident working independently. While you can always e-mail your professor with questions in an online course, you may not always be able to meet for one-on-one studying sessions. Likewise many on-campus courses have teacher’s assistants that run group study sessions that can help you better understand the material. By pursuing both online and on-campus courses you will be able to tailor your education to your particular learning needs.

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Which Classes Should I Take Online?

The course of study you decide to pursue is entirely up to you, but there are a few things you need to take into consideration. You first need to find out which classes are offered online from your university or which classes at another university have credits that will transfer to your current school. Most degree programs have a fair amount of general education courses that need to be completed and many can be completed through online classes. Likewise, you should take courses online that you may need for your major but offer a severe scheduling conflict. Obviously any web-exclusive courses should be taken online while there are some courses that will not be offered online and must be taken on-campus.

How Can Online Classes Prepare Me for the Future?

The best thing about taking online classes is the educational flexibility it allows you to have. While finishing up an undergraduate course you can prepare for a master’s degree program by taking graduate level courses online. Likewise, you could simultaneously study towards an online MBA while working at an internship or entry level position.

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Getting used to taking online classes while an undergraduate can make it easier to take online classes towards a master’s or doctorate’s degree when you are too busy with a career to go to school on campus. If you’re already too busy to fit in all of the classes you need, consider adding a few online courses to make some spare time in your busy life.