How to Study Well and Increase your GPA

Do you want to know how to study well? Are you aiming for a high GPA to get into the school of your dreams? Then you should definitely know how to study the best you can. Programs like engineering, Medical school, Nursing school, and Accounting require a high GPA and a dedicated student. Not only is it essential to have a high GPA for acceptance into these competitive programs but also to maintain a high GPA to stay in the program. If you have ever seen the enrollment verses the dropout rate of for example of Engineering Programs you will know it takes unbelievable determination to make it to graduation.

Why study so hard?

The sacrifice is worth the reward of a high paying, fulfilling and stable career. So, whether you are just beginning, an undergrad, or graduate student you need good study habits to graduate and to reach your goals. Knowing how to study well will ensure your study time is as productive as possible.

How to study better?

Use the course material provided, your lecture notes, and write out a master guide for exam reviews. It is essential to write out the key concepts and to also understand the workings of the concept. Medical students often use tricks and mnemonic to commit information to memory. You can also relate things to you personally, for example if you are trying to remember the year 1968 and your mom is 68, use that as the link. This allows that same “thread” to be followed come exam time. Try it, it really works. Note cards and highlighter pens are also very useful tools to easily review content over and over again with only key terms, definitions and concepts reviewed. If you make your own they are cheap, easy to take with you anywhere, and to share with study buddies.

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When is the best time to study?

To begin make a weekly schedule; plug in the “must dos”, such as classes, work hours, and child care if applicable. That extra open time is guess what: study time! Unless you are like my brother, Robert, who calculates the bare minimum study time to get a “pass” you need to put in the hours to study. And even he recently asked me to advise him on how to study well. Typically, it is recommended to spend two to three times the hours in for each hour of in class lecture. For example, if you have one class three times a week, for a total of 3 hours a week, you need to study outside the class room for 9 hours! Sounds like a lot, however, any Doctor will tell you about the grueling hours spent in the study hall. Success comes to those who work hard and are dedicated. So, make a schedule and get excited to study. So the best time to study is: anytime and often!

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Where is the best place to study?

Make it more fun by changing locations. Most people have a difficult time studying at home, if you at a public place you are less likely to get up from your chair and be distracted by the TV, cell, Music, or the fridge! So take your books on the road; Coffee shops, Libraries, parks, a friend’s house, or on campus. Most public places now have free Wi-Fi, and the coffee culture is set up perfectly to study alongside other caffeinated customers. If you need, bring ear plugs or iPOD type device with classical type music which fades into the background and is melodic. Make finding the best place to study an game and try new places.

Who makes a good study buddy?

Making a studying group can be very motivating and be an key part in in your program to study better. Many programs can be competitive so it is healthy to surround yourself with other motivated people who all want the same goal attained. This will help you to build your knowledge and to assess how well developed your knowledge is compared to other in the class. When choosing study partners a good rule to follow is, chose one person far more knowledgeable and one person less knowledgeable than you. This way the group can teach each other key concepts and identify components that may have gone unaddressed. It is said and you will find, if you can teach it, you then know if and are ready for to ace the exam.

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Lastly: Think Positive.

Take a moment when you sit for the exam to imagine the mark you want to receive on the exam. This will build your confidence will ease your stress, allowing your brain to be free to think clearly. Stay happy and find a balance even in the most grueling of study schedules. I hope this was useful advice on how to study well and increase you GPA! Good luck!