Begin researching scholarships (if you haven’t already). Learn what scholarships and grants are offered by foundations, clubs, businesses, and organizations and receive e-mail reminders of when to apply.
Below is a condensed list of the StartSchoolNow recommended tasks for applying and winning scholarship and grant awards. The tasks are listed in chronologic order.
1. Research scholarships and register with online search engines for national scholarships. Juniors – start planning for scholarships early in your spring semester.
2. Check local and regional scholarships.
3. Request (or print) paper applications for scholarships to which you wish to apply. Fill out paper applications by hand before making a final copy or submitting online.
4. Submit applications for regional and local scholarships with fall semester deadlines.
5. Submit applications for national scholarships with fall semester deadlines in which your student qualifications are a good match with the intent of scholarship sponsors and the criteria for selecting winners.
6. Submit school-specific financial aid applications (for campus-based financial aid awards) required by each college or university you are applying to. These are usually submitted with applications for admission.
7. Submit the CSS/PROFILE financial aid application, if required by your colleges and universities.
8. Apply for a FSA ID and submit the FAFSA online.
9. Submit required applications for State scholarships and grants.
10. Submit applications for national, regional and local scholarships with spring semester deadlines.
11. Accept or decline scholarships and grants as appropriate prior to May 1.