Find an Effective Study Location

If you are really serious about succeeding in college, you do need to study. Where to study for the best results, is a question that confronts every student. There is one simple answer to this. Study wherever and whenever you possibly can. Remember that location is everything!

There are many places where one can study, but they are not necessarily all good places. Consider the following:

1. Study at home in a quiet area:

Studying at home has many advantages, but there can be disadvantages too. At home, you probably have a comfortable bedroom or a family room, where studying seems feasible. A problem can arise if you have others, particularly young children, who share your bedroom, or other family members, who tend to be disruptive at times. The most important thing for you to do is to find some place, where you will not have disruptions. Seek out a nook or cranny that is yours alone, one where you are comfortable and a place where you can study in peace. Posting a “Please, do not disturb,” sign on your bedroom door or study area, may be of help too.

2. Study at a local library:

When it is not possible to study at home, the next best option is to try to find a local library, where there are some quiet places. The difficulty that you may encounter in a local library is the reality that you may be interrupted now and then, by other friends or neighbors, who insist on saying hello. Ask the librarian in charge, if there is a study room where you can be alone to study and if a “Please do not disturb” sign can be posted for you.

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3. Study at the college library:

Colleges have fairly large libraries which are accessible for study purposes, but times are changing, and where silence used to be the golden rule in libraries, that may no longer be the case. Students can come and go, speak and interact freely, etc. in many libraries.

The library can be a very busy place, with a lot of students constantly coming and going.

Ask the person in charge of the library, if there is a room or an area in the library that is reserved for studying. Some libraries have special study rooms. You may also ask to have a “Please do not disturb” sign posted there.

4. Find an empty classroom:

Many times there are classrooms at college that are empty, even though there are a lot of classes going on elsewhere. When you do not have classes, you may be able to have access to one of these rooms but obtain permission to use the room before you try to use it for study purposes.

5. Seek a quiet place outdoors:

While the weather remains reasonably warm, finding a peaceful, quiet place outdoors where you can study is another possible option. There may be an outdoor sitting area, a patio, or a park that offers a place of refuge for a student who needs a place to study. One of the advantages to being outdoors is the fact that you will be able to take a walk and get some fresh air too. If you have an outdoor area at home, that may work well for you also.

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6. Locate your student lounge:

In your college, there is probably going to be a student lounge. While this can get extremely busy sometimes, at other times you may find that there is no one in the student lounge. Take advantages of the location, when it is available. If there are students in the area, who are disruptive or doing drugs, avoid the area, as this is not going to be conducive to studying.

7. Study in the lunch room or cafeteria:

Your college will have a lunch room or cafeteria, which will more than likely be busy at mealtimes, but at other times, you may find that there is almost no one around. Look for a quiet corner where you will not be disturbed. If it gets too busy in that area, move to a quieter area. Studying early in the morning, before classes are scheduled or later on in the evening may work out well for you.

8. Study on the bus or subway:

Many students take the long bus or subway rides, to get to college. While these may get very busy at times, if you ride the bus or subway at an earlier time of day or later on in the evening, you may be the only person on the bus. Take advantage of those times and find things to study that don’t require a lot of study time. For example, if you are studying Spanish, prepare a word list ahead of time. Take that with you and make your bus and subway traveling time, a special opportunity to learn Spanish.

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9. Study in a restaurant, tea house, or coffee shop:

Many students have a difficult time finding places to study in between classes. Sometimes it is just too far to go home before the next class. Find a local restaurant, tea house, or coffee shop and see if the owner or operator will allow you to have a special corner to study. This can be quite feasible because he or she will know that by helping you, you will become a regular customer also.

10. Find a gymnasium, auditorium, lab, or music room:

Many times, gymnasiums, auditoriums, labs and music rooms, are not in use. At other times, they can be extremely busy. Obtain permission to use one of these areas, if you are at college and cannot find a good place to study in between classes. There may also be a computer room that will be quiet and also allows you access to a computer at the same time.

These are just a few study location suggestions. With a bit of ingenuity, you will be able to find many more places where you can study in order to obtain the best results for your efforts. The secret to success is to study wherever and whenever you possibly can!