Choosing a career is an important task that you need to undertake during the college planning process. Your career choice could impact many things, including your college choice and your college major.
As a high school student, you may not know exactly what you want to select as your career choice. Don’t worry, that’s perfectly normal. Here are a few ways for you to learn about and research various careers:
- Talk to your career or guidance counselor at your school. There are various aptitude tests that you can take that will match your skills and preferences with potential career choices.
- Talk to adults you know about their career description. Conducting informational interviews with your parents, relatives and family friends is a great way to get started. You might even want to use your connections to work during the summer or intern so you can learn more about a particular career choice.
- Start researching various career descriptions in your local library or on the internet. For instance, you’ll want to know how much schooling a career requires, what the average salary is, and whether the job requires long hours. Here are a few career ideas to get you started:
List of popular Career Fields
- Accounting Careers
- Business Careers
- Education Careers
- Engineering Careers
- Finance careers
- IT Careers
- Law Careers
- Management Careers
- Marketing Careers
- Medical Careers
- Psychology Careers
- Science Careers
It’s important to hone in on a career choice as soon as you can.
- You’ll want to use your desired career choice to select a college that is reputable in your field and offers the degree you desire.
- You’ll also want to choose a college major that will allow you to learn about your career path and allow you to be hired in your field of work.
It’s ok to change your mind about your career choice once you’re in college.
Many college students change their college major once they take some classes and figure out that a certain career just isn’t the right fit for them. Just remember that changing college majors may cost you time and money. It may take you longer to graduate and the classes from your initial major may not count towards the requirements for your new one.
If you are very uncertain about choosing a career, you might want to consider signing up for some classes at a local community college to sample various fields of study.