Before Graduating from College as an Undergrad

Before you graduate there are some things you want to make sure you take care of.

Meet with your advisor

Students should meet with their advisor so they know they have satisfied all requirements for their major. Be sure you have the correct requirements for the semester and year you entered school because sometimes the requirements change. Always save copies of papers that your advisor signs off on, or gives you. A good thing to do is to put all the stuff your advisor gives you from day one into a folder, and bring it with you every time you meet them.

Meet with the registrar

You need to meet with the registrar to make sure all of your needed credits are complete, and you can graduate. Your advisor should have been helping you achieve this the whole way, but meeting with the registrar as soon as possible your last semester is a good guarantee.

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Make sure everything is paid off

Return all library books and settle all fines. Some schools will not let you graduate if you don’t pay off all of your library books, parking tickets, or any other unpaid bills.