6 Advisor Tips to Start Your College Application Journey

Many students in the United States seek the wisdom of a college advisor especially when they enter their senior year of high school and are trying to gain admission to college. Having good advice from a trusted ally is an important part of the college application process. But these days, many high school counselors are overwhelmed with other tasks. As a result, they often cannot provide adequate advice about applying to college. This leaves many parents and students wondering how to find a college when they cannot seem to get any help.

Here are some tips from trusted college advisors to help you get started on your college application journey.

Timing is the key

“The early bird gets the worm.” This has always been true for college admissions. More often than not, if your application shows promise and is attached with well-written essays and a top-notch college application resume, you will have a greater chance of being admitted.

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The best college advisors always encourage their students to submit their applications in good form and to get them in early. Considering the tight competition and the number of applications submitted on deadlines, it is hard for the examiners to determine the students that should be admitted at once.

Check out the campus

Have a good look at the campuses where you plan to apply. This will give you an idea whether the school is the best one for you. And these days, you don’t even have to travel to see a specific college or university. Just take a virtual tour.

Individuality is valued

It is important that you go to a school that allows you to be yourself. A campus where you can express yourself freely in a healthy way acceptable to everyone and are never be criticized for it will encourage you to find your unique potential.

Present your essay for critique

After writing your essay, a good college advisor will give you tons of feedback. If you don’t want to hire an advisor just for this job, take a look at various copy editors available on Fiverr. This will give you a better idea of what to write and how to make your essay interesting.

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If the essay is about yourself, your uniqueness, etc., your closest and oldest friends can help you have a better description of yourself since they are most likely familiar with it.

A unique essay is commendable

Try to write an essay with a compelling topic that tackles on something new. In other words, try the untried. Topics such as loving parents, world peace, winning goal, etc., are quite common and do not show your passion. Choose a topic that would show your passion and knowledge about it since, through this, the admissions committee will be able to know your potential contribution to the campus community.

Presence of professors is important

Before making any choice, a college advisor would definitely tell you to consider the importance of the professor’s presence in the classroom. You want to attend a college where the instructors actually interact with their undergraduate students in the classroom. Studies prove that this sort of interaction is one of the key prerequisites for student success.

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