5 Tips to Reduce College Stress

Getting sick during a semester can be very difficult. Not only do you miss classes, but it can be very difficult to recover, as taking time off of homework and studying isn’t really an option. Because of this, it’s important to try to stay as healthy as possible.

One of the most overlooked contributors to illness is stress. Stress relief can go a long way in keeping you healthy throughout the school year. Here’s a short guide we have prepared for you:

1. Take time out—every day

It can be difficult to take time off of studying, paper-writing, homeworking, and socializing. In fact, if you’re not doing any of these things, you’re probably sleeping. However, it’s important to take some time out for yourself and just relax every day. Even if it’s only fifteen minutes, it can make a big difference by keeping you mentally fresh and prepared to take on the rest of your day.

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2. Don’t let things get out of hand

Trying to catch up on a big pile of homework can not only be extremely stressful, but it can also keep you from getting enough sleep. The combination of these things will very often result in illness. If you stay on top of your homework assignments in the first place, you won’t have to deal with this problem. While it’s not always realistic, try to get homework done as soon as possible so that you’re not scrambling to finish it the night before it’s due.

3. Sleep, make sure to get enough sleep

Being sleep deprived can make you irritable and less productive, both of which can contribute to stress. Getting enough sleep is often left out of students’ stress relief strategies, but it’s important to consider sleeping when you’re starting to get stressed. Even a short nap can make a big difference.

4. Find a place to get away from it all

This can be a place where you spend the time that you set aside for #1, or it can be for different occasions. Either way, make sure that you have at least one place that you can go to where there are very few people around, it’s relatively quiet, and you’re not tempted to do a bunch of things. If your campus is close to a forest or lake, these can be very good places to spend some time relaxing. Even if your campus is in the middle of a metropolis, though, there’s always somewhere that’s quiet nearby . . . you just have to find it!

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5. Be aware

Perhaps the most important aspect of stress relief is staying on top of how you’re feeling. If you pay attention to how you’re thinking and acting, you can catch a buildup of stress before it turns into illness. When you feel yourself starting to get stressed, make an extra effort to take the above steps to engage your stress relief strategy. You’ll be healthier and happier for it.