6 Best On-Campus Jobs for College Students

Most college students work at least one job on campus to supply the endless snacks and drinks for parties. There’s also the bonus of having gas money for weekend trips chalked full of debauchery.

1. The Pub or Cafeteria

If you choose to work here not only do you get extremely flexible hours allowing for more social time, but you also get free food saving you money on a meal plan. The downside: no one wants their friends to see those scrubbing dishes with old mashed potatoes or their face in a hairnet.

2. Admissions Office

This is a place for eternal gossip and a social butterfly haven. Besides stuffing envelopes and getting paper cuts galore, you’ll be able to rub elbows with the college elite and make connections outside of school. If you’re really good maybe you can push for a quick raise.

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3. Department of your Major

A great idea to boost your resume and show that you have in-field experience, which, in this falling market, is now hard to come by, and extremely competitive.

4. Library

You can do your homework while you wait on people and you get first dibs on all the books you need for papers and research. However, be careful, everyone goes to the library so you if you have a scandalous reputation on campus know that everyone will see you at some point.

5. Gym Attendant

If you’re uninspired to lose that freshman fifteen this is the place to work. You’re forced to be in the gym so you’ve got no excuses to go back to your dorm room to watch the latest MTV episode. Bonus: No need to miss your show, most gyms now have TV’s with remote controls, you can watch MTV while you break a sweat.

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6. School Bookstore

Discounts, Discounts, Discounts! There is nothing better than sliding by with your school books paid for–by the school. If you work for the store long enough you can get free gifts and goodies as well as Barnes and Noble Gift Cards.