Tips for Parking On and Off Campus

Education seems like a great idea to some people until that fateful day when class begins and they have to drive to campus.

Sometimes parking is really no big deal and students quickly find a spot and stroll into the building. Other times, parking can literally be an adventure, as frantic students fight for that elusive spot before another eager student steals it from them.

A parking spot can be a precious commodity, because it can make the difference between getting to class on time, and driving endlessly in circles as the minutes tick away. Therefore, here are a few parking tips for students:

Finding a spot

Obviously, people want to park close to their intended location.

Many campuses have their own parking lots, and as mentioned, they can be wide open or instantly full depending on the size of the campus and the general location in the community.

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Parking on campus has it’s advantages in terms of proximity, convenience, and general security. However, there are sometimes parking fees that students may have to pay, which can increase the cost of an already expensive education.

In addition, parking may be very limited in certain settings, so a parking pass may do little good when people do not get to campus on time.

Hitting the streets

There is always the option of parking somewhere in the “neighborhood” that surrounds the school.

The advantage of this may be cost, as people avoid the parking fee. However, if it is in an urban setting, there may be tolls or other fees for parking on the street or in public lots.

In certain downtown settings, parking may be nearly impossible, so mass transit may have to be utilized.

The downside to parking on the street is that people may have to walk a bit to get to class. In addition, some communities will actually pass ordinances that prohibit school parking in residential neighborhoods. This means that people may be taking a large risk by parking in front of someone’s house.

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Asking around and getting a feel

Overall, the key to parking is usually found in a bit of research, and a bit of experimentation.

In the early days of school, people should allow extra time anyway so that they can find parking, their building, and their classroom.

As the term wears on, people will start to have a better feel for their ability to get a parking space and how much time they will have to allot in order to get there.

Parking can be a headache, but it doesn’t have to be if people ask questions and plan ahead.