Factors that Impact Academic Success in High School

It is our prerogative as parents, educators, and teachers to tap children’s potential and develop skills to enable them to meet with academic success. However, academic success need not be the sole aim of high school education. Rather, creating a love of learning in students could not only prove to be more effective, but more importantly have a lasting impact on children’s performance in every aspect of their lives.

Here are some specific factors that can impact academic success in high school:

Motivation is the key

Academic success at every level of education is inextricably linked to the motivational factor. Motivation is the golden key to improving children’s academic performance. Motivated children tend to take keener interest in studies, are more attentive and generally have a higher rate of success.

In the classroom, children can be motivated in many ways. Although enforcing rules along with consequences is necessary, it is important to make learning a fun experience. Offer children space wherein they can proudly make their own contributions. Encourage their individual talents and abilities and provide incentives and rewards to spur their performance and attain academic success.

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Commend children’s effort

Studies indicate those children who are regularly praised for their effort rather than attributing their success to intelligence, have the potential to yield better results in the long run. Such children demonstrate an increased eagerness to learn more and are better able to take failure in their stride.

It has been found that children who were specifically praised for their intelligence, showed acute sensitivity to the end results only; this lead to their incessantly worrying about failure and unwillingness to try new things or take more risks. On the other hand, students who were basically led to believe that it is their hard work and determined effort that impacts their academic performance were more likely to continue to sustain interest in learning and meet with academic success.

Get directly involved

Children, whose parents get themselves directly involved in their children’s education, have a greater chance of meeting with academic success in high school. It conveys to children the simple concept that education of their children is their topmost priority. Helping children with homework, teaching them the advantages of being organized in their work, and reviewing the lessons prior to tests, can make a huge difference in their academic performance.

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Direct involvement entails creating strategies for your child to grasp lessons easily, communicating effectively with teachers and inculcating good study habits. Initially, it may take time and effort. But in due course, it will regularize into a habit. Being fully aware that one’s parents are genuinely interested in their performance at school, could strongly impact your child’s academic performance in high school.


Following the above strategies can yield positive results and significantly impact your child’s academic success. However, keep in mind that you as parents or teachers can be the single-most determining factor. It is your time, your encouragement and your approval that is most important.

When timely rewards and privileges are spontaneously forthcoming, it can foster the love of learning in children and dramatically improve their performance not only in high school, but throughout their future academic pursuits.