Advice For Parents Sending Their Children To College for the First Time

You have a child well on his or, her way to worldly success! In other words, they are about to embark for college/university. And, you are a nervous mom or, somewhat semi-relieved dad! (Possibly, vice-versa.)

The financial aid package has been approved, the shopping for dorm room furnishings and accessories is complete, and Dad has virtually emptied his pockets coming up with cold cash for every conceivable emergency he could think of while Junior (or, June) is hundreds of miles away! Now, you are days away from the big send-off and wondering what you two ‘freshman parents’ might have forgotten!

Relax! If you have done a good job up until now, they should be pretty well set as far as character goes and, if you haven’t, it’s a bit late to start now…,but, not to worry. A heart-to-heart is in order, either way. You will want to cover a few areas.

1. The Talk about “IT”

See also:  Words and definitions every college freshman should know

Dad, tell your son that unless he wants a liability well in advance of obtaining the necessary assets to support it, the best channel all his efforts toward that accounting degree and watch the baloney!

Mom, drive the point home to your daughter, as well, that it’s still a man’s world, no matter what she sees (and hears) on CNN and, that she will need all the time and intelligence she can hang onto just to come up to the challenge of becoming that female CEO she so dreams about.(It won’t come easy and it probably won’t come all that quickly, either!)

2.The Warning about Money

“You have got all you are going to get! Manage it like Scrooge!” (Of course, this barring any unforeseen emergencies, – which, hopefully, will not arise due to any kind of baloney!)

3.The Warning about Grade Performance

“I know you are not an Einstein, Son,…so work like it!”

See also:  Research for College Paper

4.The Warning about possible jail time, a permanent police record or, necessary emergency room visit/hospitalization due to injury caused by one’s own idiocy

Three things you will want to remember to cover, – getting caught whilst driving under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, vandalizing campus property (or, off-campus property, for that matter) and, participating in outrageous and unusual hazing practices relating to any fraternity/sorority (either, as the “hazer” or, the “hazee”), will NOT be tolerated!

5.The Final Promise

“Never forget, we’re here for you day or, night. You’ve got a cell phone. Please don’t hesitate to use it!”

College is one of the most exciting and important times in the lives of our children. Most of us can, ourselves, recall that magical time when we left home, feeling like the world was our oyster! Don’t say anything that will spoil it for them. Be honest with them about the pitfalls but, also let them know you both trust and support them.

See also:  Find Cheap Used & New Furniture for a College Dorm Room

Afterall, you did the best job you knew to do, right? It’s all up to them now…